Tuesday, January 27, 2015

who can compare

As people we naturally crave other people's attention and affection. This is something that no one can get away from. Whether you are an introvert or extrovert we all want others around us to look at us in a way that honors us. I am a true people pleaser; one of my pet peeves is when someone feels indifferent towards me. I love having friends and cannot survive a day without communicating with them.
However, this is also a downfall. The story of Mary and Martha slaps me in the face quite a bit, with good reason. Mary's sister, Martha, was so consumed with hospitality and making Jesus comfortable in her home that she was robbed of her season to enjoy Him. He was right in front of her and she basically ignored Him. Luke 10:41-42 says, "But the Lord said to her, "My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all the details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her." I do not want to be known for political correctness. I don't want to find myself stressing and worrying over the insignificant details that will not carry into eternity. Yes, even though we are to show hospitality and compassion to all around us, making an idol of our reputation can clip our wings. It detains our purposes and drags us down.
What I love most about this story is that we can be certain that: Jesus only requires our willingness to sit and embrace the blessing of his company. We do not have to earn our way into His favor and Love but simply lay at His feet and give glory to the pricelessness of His presence. I can finally have a break; and it's the most rewarding and filling break I could ever experience.
There is no one else on this earth that deserves the honor that Christ rightly deserves. Living this life with the many people that I love will never do on its own. But Jesus is the only one that can be felt in the stillness. He is the ultimate comforter, constant in how He catches and carries me, and the only one that will keep my heart steadfast. What person on earth is capable of that? There's no one like this Awesome God.

drawing near (10-18-14)

Since I have an 8 AM class every day except on Thursdays this semester, getting up is a challenge. Getting up at 8:00 AM, in high school is normal, but in college, it’s equivalent to getting up at 5:00 AM. The freedom is overwhelming and the drive to be excellent lessens. I asked myself this question this morning before my quiet time…”am I trembling at the Word of God?” Waking up at 7:00 every morning to get 30 minutes of God’s Word hasn’t become enough for me lately. I keep finding myself wanting more and craving to be consumed by it. God does that; He draws us to Him. He pulls us out of the chaos and the drag of waking up early and (not only gives us energy) but gives us a LONGING for Him. That’s something that no one else can do. 
Exodus 20 is insane. Right after the Ten Commandments have been written…verses 18-21 says this “Now when all the people saw the thunder and the flashes of lightning and the sound of the trumpet and the mountain smoking, the people were afraid and trembled, and they stood far off and said to Moses, ‘You speak to us, and we will listen; but do not let God speak to us, lest we die.’ 
Moses said to the people, ‘Do not fear, for God has come to test you, that the fear of him may be before you, that you may not sin.’ The people stood far off, while Moses drew near to the thick darkness where God was.”
We can’t fully fathom God’s power. His very words terrify people because of their strength. These people thought they were going to die if God even SPOKE to them. That’s something to think about. Whenever you ask God to speak to you, get ready to be knocked off your feet by His sheer Godness. But Moses comes close. He drew near because he wanted to simply be as close to God as humanly possible. What I would have done to see this scene. Can you imagine all the people freaking out because …I mean…it’s God. Right there. In front of you. Moses not only had the longing to get closer…but the courage and willingness. Chasing after Christ is difficult. Not only are there people waiting for you to mess up and shatter Jesus’ name, but the Enemy is real too. This is why I see so many Christians today struggle. There’s always that one thing that comes before the Word, that one party we just have to go to, that one thing that you have to do so that you can fit it. 
That’s what set Moses apart from every one else. We were not born to blend in or follow other people. We were made to lead this world out of darkness and straight to Jesus’ feet. 
So let’s run to the lightening, trumpets and the smoking mountain and not from it. God isn’t only a God of wrath and power, but one of ultimate Love and freedom.